Welcome to my blog! As it happens this is not the first time I've had a blog. I tried the paid kind a year or so ago, wasn't able to maintain that as I've got things that got in the way. So for now, I'm taking a free blog which I hope will be easier to maintain. I'm Lesley Anne but I mostly preferred to be called Anne. The reason is that somehow, people have a hard time pronouncing "Lesley" as long as I can remember so to simplify, it's Anne. I'm a mother of one, my unica hija, Keirah Julianne, is now in Grade 4 - time flies! I'm a mother, a virtual assistant, a WAHM, what else...I love cooking, browsing the net, printing tons of worksheets for my daughter off the web, shopping, books, bags, etc. The usual things gurls like, I guess.